
Jehan-Georges Vibert art

Newspapers also known as Les Journaux).jpg

Newspapers (also known as Les Journaux)

A Marvelous Sauce.jpg

A Marvelous Sauce

The State Secret.jpg

The State Secret

An Afternoon Libation.jpg

An Afternoon Libation

Scandal also known as Un scandale).jpg

Scandal (also known as Un scandale)

The Kimono also known as The Yellow Parasol).jpg

The Kimono (also known as The Yellow Parasol)

The Preening Peacock.jpg

The Preening Peacock

At the Corrida.jpg

At the Corrida

Autumn Flowers.jpg

Autumn Flowers

The Church in Danger.jpg

The Church in Danger

The Ripe Melon.jpg

The Ripe Melon