Painter Vladimir Rjabchikov. The cycle of works "Dolls".
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Painter Vladimir Rjabchikov. The cycle of works "Dolls".
"I'm in a puppet theater. Before me,
As the shadows of swaying branches,
Filled with the charm of a double ... "
"Puppet Theatre"
K. Balmont
So once again the theater. Again, I come back to this topic. Not for the first time and probably not the last. Puppet theater, but unusual, in another perspective, no screens and fences. The series is written by the end of seven years after the "Mysteries" and it is a kind of supplement or even rethinking. Therefore, something mystical keeps in suspense all subjects. I must say that the series is not large, but very solid. I tried to very accurately convey their thoughts and feelings to the audience, I hope, it happened.
B. Rjabchikov
Come to me.
Still life with an elephant.
Other works by V. Ryabchikova you can see on the site
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