

Quotation of the Wanda message

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1. The greatest enemy in a person's life is himself.

2. The greatest folly in a person's life is a lie.

3. The greatest defeat in a person's life is arrogance.

4. The greatest sadness in a person's life is envy.

5. The biggest mistake in a person's life is to lose oneself.

6. The greatest fault in a person's life is ingratitude.

7. The most regrettable thing in a person's life is the diminution of one's dignity.

8. The most admirable thing in a person's life is to rise after a fall.

9. The greatest loss in a person's life is the loss of hope.

10. The greatest asset in a person's life is health and intelligence.
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11. The greatest debt in a person's life is sincere feelings.

12. The greatest gift in a person's life is generosity.

13. The biggest shortcoming in a person's life is misunderstanding.

14. The greatest consolation in a person's life is good deeds.

from Ineta


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