Mark Spain (women's images)
Mark Spain (Mark Spain) passionate connoisseur of feminine beauty and charm, captures in his paintings lovely subtle moments of gentle feminine appearance, singing femininity and skillfully reflecting exquisite feminine beauty, seeks Flax dance movement, grace and charm.
not translated yet connoisseurs of female beauty, glorifying the beauty,
femininity and charm itself !!!
His skill and technical graphics Mark Spain studied at the College of Arts in Medway (Medway College of Art), whereby, experimenting with various objects and methods, he began to create his amazing work in the studio in Kent.
His amazing work, the atmosphere of the movement, the spirit, the beautiful moments of feminine charm and special mood exhibited at numerous exhibitions in famous galleries of Chelsea (Chelsea) and Hampton Court (Hampton Court) and many showrooms UK, and today many of his talented paintings are by collectors from around the world, including Japan, USA, Canada, Spain, Belgium, France, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands and Hong Kong,.
"... My art began with a love of landscape images. However, as time went on, I felt the need to develop other forms of images from the abstract to the figurative. I am constantly experimenting with different subjects and objects, which are then reflected in my work. Although this new for me, I accepted a new challenge "© Mark Spain ..
04:07 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Petr Petrovich Vereshchagin
View of the Moscow Kremlin in 1879
03:35 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Collectie werken van de Italiaanse kunstenaar Titti Garelli
Geboren in 1949 in Turijn, waar hij blijft wonen en werken vandaag. Werd opgeleid bij de Turijn Academie voor Schone Kunsten, waar ze studeerde onder leiding van Sergio Saroni. C 1990 begon om internationaal te vertonen. Titti Garelli blijft werken als illustrator, in aanvulling op het onderwijs aan de Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Cuneo.
08:49 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)